/* ---------- Other Stuff ---------- */ isMobile = ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement && navigator.userAgent.match(/Mobi/)); if (typeof webkitSpeechRecognition != 'undefined' || typeof SpeechRecognition != 'undefined') { var speechRecognitionApi = webkitSpeechRecognition || SpeechRecognition window.recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition(); } // Time in ms that distinguishes between a click and a hold var holdMinTime = 500; // List of all the months in name form and number form const months = { January: '01', February: '02', March: '03', April: '04', May: '05', June: '06', July: '07', August: '08', September: '09', October: '10', November: '11', December: '12', } // old script for voice recognition $(document).on('click', '.recordVoice', function() { var recordButton = $(this); var input = $(recordButton.data('input')); if (!input) { input = $(this).closest('.input-group').find('input:not([type="submit"]), textarea'); } var recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition(); recognition.lang = "en-US"; $('#stopVoiceRecording').click(function() { recognition.stop(); }); recognition.onresult = function(event) { var transcript = event.results[0][0].transcript; if (input.val() == '' && recordButton.data('date') != 'True'){ var value = transcript.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + transcript.slice(1); } else { if (recordButton.data('part-number') == 'True'){ value = input.val() + ' ' + transcript.toUpperCase().replace(/ /g, ''); } else if (recordButton.data('date') == 'True'){ var monthAndDay = transcript.split(', ')[0] var year = transcript.split(', ')[1].slice(0, -1) var month = monthAndDay.split(' ')[0] var day = monthAndDay.split(' ')[1].replace(/\D/g, ""); if (day.length == 1){ day = '0' + day } var monthNum = months[month] var formattedDateStr = year + '-' + monthNum + '-' + day value = formattedDateStr; } else if (input.val()[input.val().length -1] == '.'){ value = input.val() + ' ' + transcript.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + transcript.slice(1); } else { value = input.val() + ' ' + transcript; } } input.val(value); } recognition.onerror = function(error){ recognition.stop(); console.log(error) flash_error('There was an error with the voice recognition api.'); $('#micModal').modal('hide'); }; recognition.onend = function(){ recognition.stop(); console.log('modal'); $('#micModal').modal('hide'); }; recognition.start(); $('#micModal').modal('show'); }); // script for voice recognition $(document).on('mousedown', '.holdVoiceRec', function(event) { if (!window.recognition) return flash("Look like your browser doesn't support voice recognition.", "danger") var voiceInput = $($(this).data('input')) var that = event.currentTarget; $(that).addClass('recording') window.holdVTTBtn = false window.holdVTTBtnTimeout = window.setTimeout(function (){ window.holdVTTBtn = true $(that).popover('hide') }, holdMinTime); // handle voice recognition window.recognition.interimResults = true; window.recognition.continuous = true; window.recognition.lang = "en-US"; window.recognition.start(); var beginningText = voiceInput.val(); window.recognition.onresult = function (e) { const text = Array.from(e.results) .map((result) => result[0]) .map((result) => result.transcript) .join(" "); console.log(text) console.log(e.results) var fullText = `${beginningText} ${text}` if (text.includes("Cleartext.") || text.includes("Clear text.")) { return voiceInput.val("") } // If part number input then every letter is uppercase and there are no spaces and periods if ($('.holdVoiceRec').data('part-number') == "True") { fullText = fullText.toUpperCase().replace(/ /g, '').replace(/\./g, ''); } voiceInput.val(fullText)[0].scrollLeft = voiceInput[0].scrollWidth }; // handle css styling $(that).addClass('recording') }).on('click', '.holdVoiceRec', function(event) { if (!window.recognition) return ; window.recognition.stop(); // check to see if user held the vtt btn or just pressed it var that = event.currentTarget; window.clearTimeout(window.holdVTTBtnTimeout) if (!window.holdVTTBtn) { event.stopPropagation(); $(that).popover('show') } // handle css styling $(that).removeClass('recording') }); $('.holdVoiceRec').popover({ html: true, content: $('#vtt-popover').html(), trigger: 'manual', placement: 'top' }); /* ---------- Keyboard Shortcuts ---------- */ $(document).on('keyup', function(event) { if (!$(event.target).is(':not(input, textarea)')) return; if (event.key == "[") return $('.side-menu').trigger('toggle'); if (event.key == "]") return $('#show-notification-center').click(); if (event.key == "ArrowLeft") return changeTab('prev'); if (event.key == "ArrowRight") return changeTab('next'); }) function changeTab(direction) { var activeTabGroup = ($('.nav-tabs.active').length != 0) ? 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var imageId = $(this).closest('.image-row').data('image-id') saveImage(imageId) return false }) $('#sendFeedback').on('show.bs.modal', function(event) { $(this).find('textarea').val(dataRelatedTarget(event, 'feedback')); }); function flash(message, color='success', seconds=4) { // Make all error messages last at least 15 seconds if (color == 'danger' && seconds < 15) seconds = 15; // The default color passed by flask is "message" // Here I change the default to success if (color == 'message') color = 'success'; var $flashContainer = $('.flash-container'); // Render the message Dom element var flashMessage = $(` `) // #content-wrapper padding // Animate the element through jQuery flashMessage.animate({right: "7.5rem", opacity: "0.8"}, 400); flashMessage.animate({right: "7rem", opacity: "1"}, 100, function(){ setTimeout(function(){ var checkHover = setInterval(function(){ if (flashMessage.is(":hover")) return; flashMessage.animate({right: String(flashMessage.width() * -1) + "px"}, 350, function(){ clearInterval(checkHover) }); flashMessage.slideToggle(350, function(){ flashMessage.remove() }); }, 200) }, seconds * 1000) }); // Append the Dom element to the flash message container $flashContainer.append(flashMessage) } function flash_error(message, reported_message=message) { html_message = `${message} If this error persists, please report it ` console.error(message) return flash(html_message, "danger", 10) } function decodeSignedJson(key) { var encodedDict = key.split('.')[0] decodedDict = atob(encodedDict) console.debug(decodedDict) if (decodedDict == "") return ""; return JSON.parse(decodedDict) } /*$(document).mousedown(function(event){ if (!event.altKey) return; window.targetElement = $(event.target) var elmX = window.targetElement.offset().left var elmY = window.targetElement.offset().top window.targetElementOffsetX = elmX + (event.pageX - elmX) window.targetElementOffsetY = elmY + (event.pageY - elmY) return false }).mousemove(function(event){ if (!window.targetElement) return; var transX = event.pageX - window.targetElementOffsetX var transY = event.pageY - window.targetElementOffsetY var transStr = 'translate(' + transX + 'px, ' + transY + 'px)' window.targetElement.css('transform', transStr) return false }).mouseup(function(){ window.targetElement = null window.targetElementOffsetX = null window.targetElementOffsetY = null return false })*/ $('#fullScreenImage').on('show.bs.modal', function(event) { var $img = $(this).find("embed"); 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${ notification['Title'] }
${ notification['formatted_delivery_datetime'] }
${ notification['Content'] }
` } function notificationPlaceholderHTML(hidden=false) { return `
Looks like you're all caught up! You don't have any notifications.
` } function appendNotification(notificationHTMLString) { return $(notificationHTMLString).appendTo('.notification-popover .content-container') } $(document).on('click', '.notification .delete-notification', function(event){ var notification = $(this).closest('.notification') var signedReqKw = notification.data('signed-req-kw') clearNotification(signedReqKw).done(function(data){ notification.slideToggle(function(){ notification.remove() if ($('.notification-popover .content-container .notification').length != 0) return; appendNotification(notificationPlaceholderHTML(hidden=true)).slideDown() }) }) // prevent the link from being fired return false; }) // If there is no actionLink for the notification, then don't do anything $(document).on('click', '.notification', function(event){ if ($(this).attr('href') == 'null') return false }) function getNotifications(args, callback) { jsonAjax({ url: "/AJAX/get_notifications", json: {}, catch_error: true, default_error: 'There was an error getting your notifications.' }).done(function(data){ $('.notification-popover .content-container').empty(); for (var i=0; i 0) { // Keep the link from button from dragging the table row $(".DragDropUI a.btn").on('mousedown', function(event){ event.stopPropagation() }) $(function() { $('.DragDropUI').each(function(){ var handleSelector = $(this).data('handle-sel') if (!handleSelector) { handleSelector = null $(this).disableSelection(); } $(this).defaultSortable({ handle: handleSelector }) }) action = {} }); $(".DragDropUI").on("sortstart", function(event, ui) { var $parent = $(ui.item).parent(); action['draggable_item_name'] = $parent.data('draggable-item-name') || "tr" var rowExpression = action['draggable_item_name']; var index = $(ui.item).prevAll(rowExpression).length; action['table_name'] = $parent.data('table-name'); action['parent_list_id'] = $parent.attr('id'); action['parent_database_obj'] = $parent.data('parent-obj-name'); action['sorted_column'] = $parent.data('sorted-column'); action['order_column'] = $parent.data('order-column'); action['parent_obj_id'] = $parent.data('parent-obj-id'); action['start_index'] = index; action['obj_fingerprint'] = $parent.data('obj-fingerprint'); }).on("sortstop", function(event, ui) { var rowExpression = action['draggable_item_name']; var index = $(ui.item).prevAll(rowExpression).length; action['end_index'] = index; updateDragDropTable() }); function moveDragDropTr(startIndex, endIndex, parentListId) { startIndex ++ endIndex ++ var startTr = $(`#${parentListId} ${action['draggable_item_name']}:nth-of-type(${startIndex})`) var startTrHtml = startTr[0].outerHTML startTr.remove(); var endTr = $(`#${parentListId} ${action['draggable_item_name']}:nth-of-type(${endIndex})`); $(startTrHtml).insertBefore(endTr); } function updateDragDropTable() { if (action['start_index'] == action['end_index']) return ; console.debug('sending') console.debug(action) $.post("/AJAX/dragdrop_template", action).fail(function() { flash_error("There was an error moving your items."); moveDragDropTr(action['end_index'], action['start_index'], action['parent_list_id']); }); } } function not_null(variable, returned_val="", second_null=null) { if (variable == null || variable == second_null) { return returned_val } return variable } function is_touch_enabled() { return ( 'ontouchstart' in window ) || ( navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 ) || ( navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0 ); } function hideSideMenu() { $('#sideBarMenu').parent().css('width', '100px') } $('.nav-tabs[role="tablist"] li.nav-item .nav-link[data-toggle="tab"]').click(function(){ var currentUrl = new URL(document.location); currentUrl.searchParams.set('activeTab', $(this).attr('href').replace('#', '')); window.history.replaceState("", "", currentUrl); }) $('.toggleTabs').click(function(){ var tabList = $(this).closest('[role="tablist"]') tabList.find('.nav-item.hidden-tab').toggleClass('d-flex'); $(this).find('.show, .hide').toggleClass('d-none') var currentUrl = new URL(document.location); var showHiddenTabs = ($(this).find('.show').hasClass('d-none')) ? tabList.attr('id') : false currentUrl.searchParams.set('showHiddenTabs', showHiddenTabs); window.history.replaceState("", "", currentUrl); }) $(function(){ $('.toggleTabs .hiddenCount').each(function(){ $(this).text($(this).closest('[role="tablist"]').find('.hidden-tab').length) }) }) function jsonAjax(args) { var ajaxArgs = Object.assign({ type: 'POST', contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", json: {}, complete: (jqXHR, textStatus) => { if (args.modal) args.modal.modal('hide'); if (!args.flashSuccess || textStatus != "success") return ; var successMessage = jqXHR.responseJSON.success if (!successMessage) return ; flash(successMessage) } }, args) ajaxArgs.data ??= JSON.stringify(ajaxArgs.json) // Equivalent to python's .setdefault() on dicts var ajaxBase = $.ajax(ajaxArgs) if (args.catch_error) { var default_error = (args.default_error) ? args.default_error : 'There was an unexpected error processing your request.' return ajaxBase.fail(function(response) { if (typeof response.responseJSON == 'undefined' || typeof response.responseJSON.error == 'undefined') { flash_error(default_error) } else { flash_error(response.responseJSON.error) } }); } return ajaxBase } function sendNotification(json) { jsonAjax({ "url": "/AJAX/create_notification", "json": json }).done(function(data){ var notificationLen = Number($('#notification-len').text().trim()) $('#notification-len').removeClass('d-none').text(notificationLen + 1) }) } function clearNotification(signedReqKw) { return deleteDBItemRequest(modal=null, signedReqKw=signedReqKw, flashSuccess=false).done(function(data) { getNotificationLen() }) } function getNotificationLen() { jsonAjax({ url: "/AJAX/get_notification_len", json: {} }).done(function(data){ var $notificationLen = $('#notification-len') if (data.new_notifications_len == 0) return $notificationLen.addClass('d-none'); $notificationLen.text(data.new_notifications_len).removeClass('d-none'); }) } $(document).on('click', '.dismiss-modal', function(){ $(this).closest('.modal').modal('hide') }) function ConvertFormToJSON(form){ var array = form.serializeArray(); var json = {}; $.each(array, function() { json[this.name] = this.value || ''; }); return json; } $(function(){ $('pre[data-toggle="textarea"]').each(function(){ var relatedTextarea = $(`
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console.debug(eventType) function continueTour(){ if (eventType) that.trigger('tourCloseOn'); // Trigger the event "tourClick" if there is a close-on event // Reset the elements clickableness to the default that.css('pointer-events', '') // In the callback hide the tooltip and un spotlight the element return ttElm.removeClass('show-tt').unSpotlight().then(function(){ // In the Callback trigger the next elements initSpotlight event var triggerNext = $(that.data('trigger-next')) if (triggerNext.length == 0) { if (!celebrateEnd) return; // If celebrate end if off, then don't celebrate return finishTour() } else if (!triggerNext.is(':visible')) { return that.trigger('initSpotlight') } triggerNext.trigger('initSpotlight') }) } if (!eventType || eventType == 'doc') { $(document).one('click', continueTour) // If there isn't a close-on event, then make the element not clickable that.css('pointer-events', 'none') return false } // Set handler for said event ttElm.one(eventType, continueTour) return false }) function startTour(tourNum) { $(`.tour_${tourNum}_1`).trigger('initSpotlight') } $('.startTour').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault() window.localStorage.setItem('tourNum', $(this).data('tour-num')) window.location.href = window.location.href.split('?')[0] }) function confettiBottomCorners() { var baseOptions = { particleCount: 100, spread: 75, startVelocity: 70, zIndex: 1042, ticks: 200 } confetti(Object.assign(baseOptions, { angle: 45, origin: { y: 1, x: 0 }, })) return confetti(Object.assign(baseOptions, { angle: 135, origin: { y: 1, x: 1 }, })) } /*function finishTour() { showBackdrop(children=`
You finished the Tour!!!
`).then(function(){ // Show the backdrop confettiBottomCorners().then(function(){ // Once the backdrop is shown, then launch the confetti hideBackdrop() // After the confetti is gone, then hide the backdrop }) }) }*/ function finishTour() { flash('You completed the Page Tour') confettiBottomCorners() // Launch the confetti wait(400).then(confettiBottomCorners) } function setIntervalX(callback, delay, repetitions) { var x = 0; var intervalID = window.setInterval(function () { callback(); if (++x === repetitions) { window.clearInterval(intervalID); } }, delay); } $.fn.scrollToTargetAdjusted = function (){ var headerOffset = 200; var offsetPosition = $(this).offset().top - headerOffset; window.scrollTo({top: offsetPosition}); } /* ---------- Dynamic Dropdown JS ---------- */ $(".dynamicDropdown").change(function(){ var select = this var url = $(select).data('url') $.post(url, {"obj_id": $(this).val()}).done(function(data) { var optionHTML = [] var list = Object.values(data)[0] $.each(list, function() { optionHTML.push(``) }) var nextSelectSelector = $(select).data('next-select') $(nextSelectSelector).html(optionHTML.join('')).change() if ($(nextSelectSelector).hasClass('selectpicker')) { $(nextSelectSelector).selectpicker('refresh') } }).fail(function() { flash_error("There was an error changing the dynamic dropdowns."); }); }) /* ---------- setTimeout with a Promise ---------- */ const wait = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); setInterval(getNotificationLen, 180000); // get new notification count every 3 minutes